Q3/2011 in review

In the hope that I might inspire others to do the same, I’ve created a few screencasts showing some of the cool things I worked on in the last quarter. I’ve tried to keep them all short, and they’re all available in HD so no need to squint to see details.

pytest plugin for WebQA

Endurance tests daily results

System graphics details in endurance reports

Running the Mozmill tests in Jenkins

Running the Selenium IDE Mozmill tests in Bamboo

6 thoughts on “Q3/2011 in review”

  1. Pingback: A Smattering of Selenium #64 « Official Selenium Blog

  2. Hello,

    Thanks for the info and videos.

    Could you please tell how the bamboo plan detect tests from selenium IDE? I run Selenium IDE tests using selenium RC jar and bamboo has a result called test-less builds.

    Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi Armine,

      In this case I am running tests against Selenium IDE. I am not using Selenium IDE to run tests against a website. I suspect this is different from what you’re attempting to do, and as far as I know there’s no way to configure Bamboo to run Selenium tests using the IDE.

      I hope that helps,

      1. Hi Dave,

        Thanks for your answer.
        I am running test using Selenium RC giving a suite selenium html suite, so it is actually an RC run, which generates a report in html. The report is selenium report with passed and failed tests. Having the same report in jenkins I see test count while bamboo shows 0 tests.

        I am searching for an equivalent of seleniumhtmlreport of jenkins here in bamboo.

        Would be much appreciated if you could share an idea about this.

        Armine H

        1. I’m not aware of such a plugin/feature for Bamboo. The recommended approach would be to migrate your tests to a client language and use a test runner that can generate a JUnit style XML report. Both Jenkins and Bamboo would be able to parse this report.

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