London Selenium Users Event #4

In a couple of weeks the 4th event of the London Selenium users meetup takes place. This time it will be hosted by Thoughtworks, and has a loose theme of extending on top of Selenium. I’m pleased to announce the following speakers, in addition to a talk from Google on mobile testing with Selenium.

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For the recent London Selenium Users Meetup Event I was asked if I could provide the attendance list in a suitable format for creating labels for the guests when they arrive. Given the short timeframe I did this simply by highlighting the names on, copying them, and pasting them into a simple text editor. I then quickly cleaned this up before sending the list on. Within a short while the list was out of date due to some members dropping out.

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Here’s another one of my odd Selenium examples! Last month I finally got to eat at a ‘Cheesecake Factory’ restaurant, after first hearing about them a few years back from an American friend. There’s an overwhelming choice of 30+ cheesecakes to choose from, and I’m really not good at making decisions when there’s so much choice. I decided to go with ‘The Original’, and that every subsequent visit to the chain I would work my way down the menu, knowing I’d probably never get through all of them in my lifetime!

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